Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some of the things I love about Italy........

Merely some impressions after our trip to Torino, Italy - not definitive or exclusive and I know I will rave one day about similar things in other countries!

Cappuccinos - the French just can't do it, well at least not that I've found..... but Italians (and Aussies, especially some in my family) can! Was it really my first cappuccino since last December in Oz - how good is that?

Frescos - everywhere, where you expect them........
and where you don't........

Doors - absolutely huge and magnificent and stunning and beautiful and how I wish they could talk - what stories they would tell......... an extremely small selection here.

What's behind the doors - amazing surprises - works of art, parking, courtyards, shops, homes, workshops -
you name it. A couple really took my fancy....

Churches - on almost every corner - beautiful, ornate and well maintained! How does a small population/congregation maintain them?

Gelato - imagine standing in a queue for 15 minutes for the best gelato ..... dreams are made of this!

Markets - selling everything!

Piazzas - everwhere spaces small and large where people can meet, sit, eat, chat, relax, be part of their community.......

The self service tabacchi - cigarette dispenser - looking like an ATM! Not PC I know, but the addict in me still hankers for a fag occasionally, and this really took my fancy. Wouldn't be found in Sydney, I'll wager!

Alice's apartment behind one of those magnificent doors - and its amazing view!